Interaction is now automated

The AI. Chatbot Avatar lets you design and enhance your daily thought flows in the shortest possible time

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Fast sign-up

Fully encrypted

Automate easily

Save time, while you save money

Fine-tuned to your person is adapted to answer questions and to develop itself exparatively.

98%+ Speech accuracy

By retrieving API calls, we are able to deliver a high data speed with an almost exclusively response time.

Easy to manage

We have adjusted the user design in such a way that it is easy to navigate for everyone.

Track everything

Our servers make API calls and database queries that guarantee tracking.

Lots to like, more to love.

Fast. Really fast

Through a smart design and a reduction of LLM inherent latency, we create an unforgettable experience.

More bang for buck

GPU and token optimisation enable us to pass on performance directly to the customer.

Safe and secure

To comply to HIPAA regulations, we partner with third party vendors who provide certification and guarantee absolute security in the future.

Lee-AI is where tech innovation and culture innovation intersect

We also offer service packages for companies and their employees for optimal productivity